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A moon painting on the wall… check Lady of the fresh moon!

I find it very difficult to find something beautiful for the wall. But when I came across Lady of the FRESH moon I knew! That should be it, a moon painting on the wall!

Now I hear you thinking… what's so special about a painting of the moon on the wall? Well, not every picture of a moon is beautiful for the wall, I think. For example, I wouldn't just hang a poster of the moon on my wall, you see it everywhere. In addition, I miss the feeling of such a poster. And even though I love our Scottish highlander wallpaper on the wall, this painting is in a different class.

In the paintings of Lady of the FRESH moon I am flooded with feeling. They are really special. I would like to tell you more about her, the way she gets her inspiration and why I fell so in love with her moon painting(s). And yes, I call it plural because I really found it almost impossible to choose. Each and every one of them is exceptionally beautiful and unique creations.

Table of Contents

A moon painting of Lady of the FRESH moon as work on the wall

New moon paintings of Lady of the FRESH moon 'appear' only during New Moon on her website.

What is the New Moon?

The moon has 8 phases, all equally unique and the most special phase is the New Moon. For those who don't know… the New Moon is the moment when the moon is between the earth and the sun. You then see the moon as a shadow because the light of the sun is not visible to the earth at that moment. You could say that the moon cannot be seen, but that is not entirely true. If you look closely you will see a 'dark moon'.

In astrology, The New Moon represents a new beginning. According to the Chinese, Jewish and Islamic calendars, a new month always starts after the New Moon. They call it a lunar calendar. The energy of the New Moon is creative and constructive. You start a new cycle and you can say goodbye to the old one.

I feel a special connection with 'my' moon-painting

To start with, I would like to 'introduce' you to the three moon paintings that I fell in love with. The paintings below of Lady of the FRESH moon immediately came to my mind. Why? I can't really tell you exactly. The paintings just touch me. I think they carry a certain mystique.

I call myself 'slightly spiritual'. I am not active in the field of spirituality, but I am very interested in the subject. In addition, I am religious. Also not “active” in the sense of going to church or praying a lot. But still I believe. into something. For example, I also believe that at some point I will see my parents again. I don't even think about how and in what form. Doesn't matter.

Our moon painting reinforces this feeling in me. Bizarre in fact that a painting -made by someone else- can enter like this. That has nothing to do with 'beautiful' or 'taste' anymore, right? That goes a step further. As if it should have been. This is how our moon feels… like it should have been. Based on that feeling, I finally fell for Tears from the Rainforest.

Tears from the Rainforest, my moon

The moon painting of Tears from the Rainforest impresses me the most because of the use of the deep green colors. And luckily it also fits very well with my interior 'to be'. Because you know… we still have a lot of work to do. I therefore find it difficult that my painting of the moon does not yet come into its own on the wall , haha. Actually, I already have the perfect place (and look) completely in my head, but I'm not ready to realize it yet. But that will be fine, so I still have something to be desired.

The feeling that this painting evokes in me has to do with my father. My father was a fighter jet pilot and knew everything about the sky, the clouds, the moon and so on. When I had to give a talk at school when I was nine, he had the ultimate idea for me:a talk about the moon!

How the moon made my father proud of me

And I knew that 😉 . I worked on that speech for days. With my father as backup. It was he who explained to me exactly how it is now with all the phases of the moon. He took out a football and drew the first quarter and the last quarter on it with a marker. Explained everything to me and also told me how to use the ball in my talk to explain to the class. The result of the speech? A 10. The master had never heard/seen such a good talk.

I was proud of course. And I will never forget the proud look my father had in his eyes. My father was not such an easy man, and certainly not easily satisfied with the school results of his children. He thought that could always be better; a real soldier. And now… on the day of the New Moon (how coincidental that I am writing this blog just today (October 16, 2020)) I feel the tears welling up. Dear Daddy, I miss you so much † Your strict but loving upbringing. And I am so happy that for the first time in my life I have something hanging on the wall that reminds me of you every time ♥. A moon painting.

Below you will find some more examples of moon paintings on the wall. Do you instantly fall in love with it? I certainly do.

Lady of the FRESH moon; meet Joanna

Joanna is the woman behind the moon paintings of Lady of the FRESH moon. Inspired by the New Moon, she makes paintings with materials that come directly from nature. For example, sand from the Veluwe may be incorporated into a moon, or shells from an Ijsselmeer beach may end up on the painting. With your moon painting you will also receive a certificate of authenticity stating the materials used on your painting.

For example, our moon painting contains North Sea sand, Lime, Charcoal, Shells from an IJsselmeer beach, Gold leaf, Acrylic and Emerald. Emerald stands for unconditional love and opens the heart chakra. In addition, it has a calming effect on the emotions and it supports with sadness, loss and mourning… so you can see that everything comes together for me in this moon painting!

You will find many more beautiful paintings on Lady of the FRESH moon. If you are looking for a beautiful work for the wall, I can certainly recommend that you take a look at Joanna.