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Grandma's household tips in a modern jacket part 2

Everyone is familiar with Grandma's household tips. This article is about good household tips just like in grandmother's time, but with a modern twist. Grandma's household tips in a modern jacket part 2. Nowadays we are almost thrown to death with one promising household product after another, but few of these products actually do what they promise. In most cases, it is also completely unnecessary to deal with all kinds of expensive products, because everything you need to solve your household problem is probably lying around somewhere in your kitchen (drawer) or house. In this article you can read what you can do with:Beer, Bread and Butter

Grandma's household tip:beer

What can you do with beer? Beer can be of great help in the daily household. Tips on how to use beer in the household.

Making gold shine

Has that one gold ring really faded? Could that necklace use a bath to look like new again? Take some beer that you put on a soft cloth and with which you polish gold jewelry.

Cleaning wooden furniture

Do you have oak or mahogany furniture and wondering how best to clean it without having to spend money on expensive cleaning products? Then here is the solution:a cloth dipped in warm beer with which the furniture is wiped is sufficient to get your furniture clean again.

Beer shampoo

Commercial shampoos are often harmful to your hair and do more harm than good. Beer, on the other hand, is a natural product that will give your hair a real boost. Take about three tablespoons of beer, mix it with half a cup of warm water, pour it over your hair, let it soak for a while and rinse it off. You will be amazed by the result.

Frying tender meat with beer

Do you have meat that you would like to serve tender? Instead of wine you can just take (cheap) beer to make the meat wonderfully tender. Place the meat in the beer one hour before cooking to marinate, after which you can prepare it in the desired way.

Grandma's household tips:bread

Besides the fact that you can eat bread, bread is also a handy 'product' in the household. The advantage is that you always have bread at home, it is natural and costs little.

Remove dirt from walls and paintings

Definitely recommended for families with (small) children or people with animals:before you know it the walls are stained with fingerprints, fur prints where the little four-legged friend has walked along the wall or even pencil marks where little creative minds have indulged . A soft slice of white bread with which the dirt can easily be wiped off the wall offers a solution.

This trick can also be used on wallpaper, provided the bread is soft enough. Especially for people who have a beautiful (oil) painting and don't know how to clean it:put a slice of bread over it and the painting is dust-free again and clean.

Dabbing lipstick stains

Do you have lipstick stains anywhere? You can dab these with a piece of white bread.

Safe clearing of shards

You dropped the glass on the floor and now it lies in a thousand pieces at your feet. After you've swept the large pieces together, you can gently wipe the floor with a piece of bread, which will absorb the thin splinters. Then throw this bread away well packed.

Cleaning the meatloaf machine

Before you wash the meat machine or put it in the dishwasher, run a slice of bread through it. The bread will act as a sponge and absorb meat residues, making cleaning easier.

Soften marshmallows or marshmallows

Did you let a bag of marshmallows or bacon dry out? Don't worry, a slice of bread will help. Put two slices of white bread in the bag, seal it well and after two to three days your marshmallows or bacon will be wonderfully soft again.

Used too much mayonnaise

Have you been a little too enthusiastic about using mayonnaise when preparing your salad? Or has too much mayonnaise been used elsewhere? Solve this tasty and easy:cut a few slices of white bread into cubes, roast them in a thick-bottomed pan over a low heat and add to the salad. The crispy bread pieces not only give the salad that little bit extra, the predominant mayonnaise taste also diminishes.

Bread helps against unpleasant odors

Certain vegetables are known for not smelling particularly good when cooked (cauliflower, broccoli, etc.). You can prevent unpleasant odors during cooking by placing a piece of bread above it, which will absorb the odors.

Keep cookies fresh for longer

You went all out in the kitchen and baked a lot of cookies. Keep it fresh by storing it in a cookie jar. Before closing the cookie jar, place a slice of white bread on top of the freshly baked cookies.

Bread absorbs excess cooking fat

Do you suffer from a lot of fat released during cooking? Instead of spooning out the fat, you can also keep a slice of bread in it. The bread absorbs the fat/oil, after which you can continue preparing the meal.

Cut onions without tears

Nothing is more annoying than watery eyes while cutting onions. From now on you can prevent this by sticking a small piece of bread on the knife and sliding it to the blade. The bread absorbs the pungent onion juice, preventing watery eyes.

Clean suede

Whether it's a suede jacket or a pair of shoes, suede can also get quite dirty. However, you don't have to run to the dry cleaners with your coat right away. Try this tip first:take a piece of stale bread and rub it over the stains. If the bread gets dirty, take a new piece and continue until all the stains are gone.

Grandma's household tip:butter

In contrast to marginrine, butter is made from animal raw materials, namely from milk. In addition to being very healthy, butter is also extremely suitable for use in the household.

Removing ink stains on a doll

Okay, your daughter was very enthusiastic and used a pen on the doll instead of make up. If you have some butter at home, there is no problem. Rub the ink stains with the butter and put the doll in the sun for a few days.

Avoid spilling milk powder

Don't want to have any more spills when you put milk powder in a cup? Then grease the edge with a little bit of butter.

Prevent your pasta from boiling over

You can prevent pasta or pasta sticking together with the following tip:add a knob of butter to the boiling pasta water and you will get tasty pasta that will no longer boil over.

Tip to swallow pills easily

Do you have trouble swallowing pills or medication? Then grease the outside of the pill with a little butter. This makes it easier for the pills to slide down your throat.

Grandma's household tips in a modern jacket part 2

I hope you enjoyed Grandma's Housekeeping Tips with a modern twist, part 2 about beer, bread and butter. But don't worry, there will be many more articles from grandma's household tips with a modern look.

Do you have a great household tip with the above products? Then let me know!

Be sure to read my first part:Grandma's household tips in a modern jacket and learn what you can do with aluminum foil, apples, ash and vinegar.