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Fall fertilization, which one?

Do don't believe that everyone sleeps in winter. Earthworms, microorganisms are still active if they have something to do, that is, to eat. And if the cold does not paralyze them. Let's think about fall fertilization.

organic matter that you are going to bring to the plants will slowly transform to release the nutrients the plants will need from spring . But can we bring in any organic material? A brief overview.

What fertilization?

  • the manure :2 to 3 kg for 10m²
  • the wool and the feathers (empty old mattresses and pillows!) 2-3 kg per 10m²
  • the crushed horn or roasted:300 to 400 gr for 10m²
  • the wooden ash :to bury in the first 10 cm at the dose of 500 gr for 10m²
  • the lithothamnium :300 to 500 g for 10m², for acid or neutral soil
  • the compost from the garden:50 to 80 liters for 10m², i.e. about a wheelbarrow

The guano and blood desiccated are "boost" fertilizers for use in the spring.

Reminder for math strong:10 m² it is:

  • a 10m x 1m rectangle
  • a 5m x 2m rectangle
  • a square of 3.33 m by 3.33 m
  • a circle 3.57 m in diameter
Fall fertilization, which one?

mix of potting soil and compost in vegetable garden