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Becoming a landscaper:fields of action, diploma, salary

Becoming a landscaper:fields of action, diploma, salary

The landscaper is a professional, space professional green, an architect who designs or modifies a plant landscape as needed. He is an artist who puts his talent at the service, both in the private and public domain. Becoming a landscaper cannot be improvised, you must have followed several training courses to be able to claim to be one.

Landscaping fields of action

The landscape designer is involved in a landscaping project from A to Z, in fact he begins upstream with the study and design of a project, sometimes in collaboration with engineers, urban planners, architects, depending on the needs and size of the project.

Then, he can organize the work, or propose accompanying measures, from planting to final decoration, including the maintenance of climbing plants, etc.

The landscaper also monitors the work, including the progress of the site. Moreover, if you want to create a particular garden, or if you simply want it to be redesigned by a professional, do not hesitate to request a quote from a landscape architect.

He can also be responsible for monitoring and maintaining his work over the long term. However, this craftsman is not confined to individuals, he can also be approached by other more or less "big" customers, such as large companies who want to go green.

The public domain is also not left out, no one other than the landscaper has the necessary skills to develop places such as public parks for example, or a circle -dot.

Becoming a landscaper:fields of action, diploma, salary

Training and diploma

A landscape architect has followed a long course of study before obtaining his diploma in landscape engineering, DPLG (Bac + 5), issued by the government, not this job cannot be improvised.

Indeed, general or vocational training from 3rd grade ème , the student wishing to become a landscaper is faced with several choices. He can already obtain a CAP (Certificate of Professional Aptitude) which already opens the doors to the professional world. Then, after the Bac, he must register for a BTS Landscaping (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur), BAC + 2.

From there, he will be allowed to compete for the next one, that is to say, the Professional License in Landscaping BAC + 3, the student will graduate , among others either in the direction of construction sites, or in the management of the outdoor space, or in the maintenance of the environment for example.

With all these diplomas in hand, the student will finally be able to obtain the precious sesame of landscape engineer BAC+5. The high number of degree names can be confusing, as they differ according to the establishment attended and especially according to the specialization chosen.

Salary of a landscaper

Landscaper compensation may vary depending on a few factors.

The first factor, the size of the structure in which he works, a large international structure will not skimp on the means to afford the services of a landscaper . Unlike small businesses that prefer unskilled labor to pay as little as possible.

Then, the method of calculating his salary, the craftsman can on the one hand be paid a flat rate on a range between 1,500 and 2,500 euros for beginners, and 2 000 to 4,500 euros for the most experienced. But he can also receive a salary per hour, which is around 30 euros/hour of work on average.

Finally, an independent landscaper will have a better chance of earning a little more, if not a lot, than an employee.