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7 Reasons Your Succulents Are Dying.

7 Reasons Your Succulents Are Dying.

You love succulents, but you can't keep them desire ?

Whether you have a green thumb or not, growing succulents is an art...or rather a question of the right dosages.

We often tend to water them too much, to put them in too small pots or to leave them without care.

But with a few clever tweaks, you'll be able to enjoy beautiful succulents.

Here are 7 reasons why your succulents are dying and our tips to avoid it . Watch:

7 Reasons Your Succulents Are Dying.

1. You give them too much water

7 Reasons Your Succulents Are Dying.

Succulents do not need to be watered as often and as abundantly as green plants. Since succulents are a type of cactus, they don't need a lot of water.

Tip: the soil should be well-drained, loose and moist to the touch, but never waterlogged. No standing water at the bottom of the pot either. Our advice is to spray the floor with water with a sprayer 1 to 2 times a week maximum.

2. The pot is too small

7 Reasons Your Succulents Are Dying.

Have you turned a pretty teacup into a pot for your succulent? It's very pretty...

But there is little room for the roots to grow and this will unfortunately end up harming the plant.

Tip: the pot should be 2 times deeper than the roots of the plant, and about 3 times wider. That way, it gives the plant a lot more space to spread out.

3. The pot has no drainage

7 Reasons Your Succulents Are Dying.

Tea cups, glass jars, and other decorative jars are very pretty.

But they are poorly suited to succulents that need good drainage. Indeed, the water that does not drain ends up rotting the roots.

Tip: your pot should have several drainage holes through which water can flow. To prevent soil from escaping, put pantyhose or gauze at the bottom of the pot.

4. They are not warm enough

7 Reasons Your Succulents Are Dying.

Succulents love warm temperatures. On the other hand, they hate being near an open window in drafts or outside in the cold season.

Tip: keep them in a warm place in the sun. Above all, do not change their place once they like somewhere. Don't bother taking them out in summer and bringing them in in winter, cacti can't stand this type of change.

5. They are too tight in the pot

7 Reasons Your Succulents Are Dying.

When you plant succulents, don't stick them together:they need space!

Tip: the ideal is to leave 5 to 7 cm between each foot so that they do not choke. Indeed, growing cacti will fill the empty space.

6. The soil is too poor

7 Reasons Your Succulents Are Dying.

Succulents love nutrient-rich soil.

So if your soil isn't rich enough, they won't thrive or will eventually die.

Tip: put some compost in the soil when planting or try a ready-made fertilizer from the garden center. Thus, the soil is nutritious enough for the succulents to be healthy and grow well.

To discover: A Compost Bin for Natural and Free Fertilizer.

7. They need repotting

7 Reasons Your Succulents Are Dying.

If they like it, succulents grow very quickly. Your succulent has been in a pot for several months and it seems to be growing well?

It will be necessary to think of repotting it in a larger pot. That way, she won't be cramped and will have more space to grow.

Tip: choose a pot a little larger than the previous one. Is the pot too big? Then the plant will put all its energy into making roots to fill the space.

And this will be at the expense of the outer part which will not develop.

Also remember to take cuttings from your succulents. It's very easy and you will have lots of plants without buying any.

Your turn...

Have you tried these tips for growing beautiful succulents? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!