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This is how you ensure an emptier, tidier house in no time

Whether you call it minimalism or just nice and tidy, few people like a crowded house. There is of course nothing wrong with some cozy decoration, because this mainly gives character to your home. Yet it can also make you feel overcrowded, so that you cannot easily relax in your own home. So it's time to declutter and make your house tidier and emptier. Let's call it an autumn cleaning!

Rent a storage space for doubtful cases

Go through all your stuff and think about whether you still need it. When you are sure that you no longer need the items, you can take them to a thrift store or to the crack. If in doubt, you can also store it in a storage room for a while. You can rent a storage space for small prices, where you can temporarily store some furniture or boxes. Haven't you missed them after half a year? Then they can still leave! Do you now have large furniture that you are unsure about? You can also store these in a storage space and they will come and collect it for you too!

Evaluate new purchases critically

Nowadays we are driven completely crazy with all kinds of new interior trends, special must-haves and other stuff. If you want to declutter a bit, it is important to critically assess every purchase. Do you really need this item or will it just fill the space? In the latter case, you should definitely not make the purchase and it is better to leave the item alone. If it is only collecting dust in the house, it is really a waste of money and a waste of tidy space.

Be a guest in your own home

Since you have probably lived in your own house for years, many things will no longer stand out to you. That one corner where everyone throws their keys, bicycle lights, change and other junk? Yes, that's practical, you think. Try entering your home as a guest and take a critical look at every corner. What would you think of a colleague or acquaintance you don't know that well? Would you find him or her messy? In that case you know for sure that you really have to rearrange that specific corner!