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Indian lilac disease

Blogger question:My Indian lilac is so ugly! the leaves curl up and dry up. the flowers are terrible! what is it?

Indian lilac, Lagerstroemia indica , from its charming little name, is susceptible to the ugly fungus oidium . The treatment is relatively simple, there are many commercial formulas to combat this disease. The simplest is sulfur to be sprayed on the foliage. The product against rose diseases (which you may have in your phyto-pharmacy) is effective.

You can also use horsetail manure or garlic decoction. A spray of water with milk added (10 parts water to 1 part milk) gives good results. Be careful, formulas based on copper only (Bordeaux mixture, etc.) are ineffective against powdery mildew.

It is true that the fungus develops in humid atmospheres (plant too confined, too much foliage inside, leaves and feet watered by sprinkling, this is also why it is preferable to water in the morning so that the plant is not in a humid place for hours. Yes, the morning is better!

Powdery mildew develops in mild and humid periods and greatly depreciates the foliage and the flower stalks. This fungus attacks a large number of plant, floral or vegetable species, as well as trees such as apple trees or oaks.

Indian lilac disease

powdery mildew on acanthus leaves