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Daffodils:9 tips to know to keep this pretty bouquet of flowers for a long time!

Every year it's the same show! As Spring approaches, the daffodils , also called trumpet narcissus, bloom in our beds and planters. A sign that sunny days are coming. This bulbous plant, 8 to 60 cm in height, offers a unique flower , instantly recognizable thanks to its trumpet shape and its sunny yellow color . Therefore, during its flowering period from March to June, we hasten to pick it or buy it from our florists to brighten up our interior and embalm it with a sweet floral fragrance . But to take full advantage of it, you have to know how to maintain your daffodils !

Daffodils:here are the secrets to properly preserving these flowers once cut

Don't have a green thumb? Do not panic, the daffodil is a flower that is easy to grow and maintain . Once cut, it keeps very well for more than five days. For this, it is essential to pick and prune its stems when they are in bud . At this stage, the flowers are not yet open and that's what it takes, they will bloom little by little. Then place them in a suitable vase in a bright room and change the water every 2-3 days . It is simple and efficient ! However, be aware that daffodils do not mix with other varieties of flowers in the same vase. The sap contained in the stems is harmful to other species. Also, if you have sensitive skin, wear gloves when cutting.

Discover all our tips for properly caring for your daffodils in our slideshow.

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