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How to learn to garden organically?

Organic is more and more trendy. There is indeed a general awareness to stop polluting and potentially dangerous practices for health. This of course applies on a large scale, in the agricultural sector. But at the same time, you can stick to organic principles if you have a small garden. To do this, you will simply have to learn the techniques and methods for gardening in this way.

The importance of tools

First of all, it is important to be well equipped for gardening. This applies both to classic gardening and to an organic garden. With the right tools, it will be possible to work efficiently and be productive. For example, having a grelinette is highly recommended. In this case, this tool makes it possible to loosen the soil while respecting the soil ecosystem. For information, it is a tool recommended in an organic culture. Of course, other tools will have to complete the grelinette for your work to be effective.

The interest of organic

If organic is more and more popular, let's quickly recall why. First of all, organic consists of avoiding any chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides in a crop. Indeed, these products have proven to be toxic for the ecosystem, for the earth and even for our health. For information, even if fruits and vegetables are washed before being consumed, traces of chemicals still persist. In the long term, they then have a negative impact on our health. Organic fruits and vegetables are therefore better for all these reasons. And usually they are even tastier. So there is every reason to adopt organic practices. If you have a small garden, then all you have to do is educate yourself on the subject.

Internet:a mine of knowledge

To learn how to garden organically, you can then turn to the internet. As you can imagine, you will find many sites on the subject. In this case, you can get help with, which is a quality gardening blog. You will find many tips and tricks there. concept around gardening

Finally, the site will probably interest you if you have an organic garden. This site will allow you first of all to get to know other gardeners, and therefore to exchange advice and tips, particularly on organic gardening. Then, the day you have too many fruits or vegetables, you could give them away, sell them or even barter them to people around you thanks to this platform.