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Sowing in terrine or Lupine terrine

It's time for the seeding pot , so let's go cheerfully! But to avoid damping off, and dry spells or too much water that give the same result, let's take a few precautions.

good practices

  1. Prepare a seed tray, a small box ready to receive the substrate and the seeds (one without the other is stupid). The bottom must be pierced to evacuate excess water. Nevertheless, the terrine goes through the washing and disinfection box. , white vinegar will do
  2. It is good to put some gravel in the bottom of the crate or clay pebbles to facilitate drainage. Washed and disinfected…
  3. Personally, I use special seed compost, it is fine, but not too much, it retains water, but not too much.
  4. After filling the terrine with potting soil, tamp down lightly with a board. Slightly we tell you...
  5. Put the seeds (for the lupine, as in the title of the article, it is not necessary to sow it in a terrine, it can be done in the ground. It was just for the game of word…) Be careful not to have too heavy a hand, we quickly put four times more seeds than necessary. The seeds should not touch … You can push them aside using a toothpick; little game of patience. Next time you'll have a lighter hand.
  6. Overlay the seeds lightly with seed compost
  7. Pack lightly with a plank. Dried. Because otherwise the seeds end up with the soil on the board...

The sowing is not finished!

  1. A label will remind you of the name of the variety and date of sowing. For my part, I have not trusted my memory for a long time, but I have ideas...
  2. The delicate moment of watering arrives. The best thing is to put the seed terrine to soak in the sink after removing the dirty dishes… The terrine floats, but the water rises by capillary action. Be careful, it can go very quickly, so we are watching! When the half of the surface has changed color, remove the terrine and place it warm.
  3. The following waterings are done with a sprayer from above; The terrine must not dry out.
  4. Don't wait too long totransplant the plants otherwise they risk withering, that is to say, to lengthen while forgetting to grow, like teenagers
  5. All you have to do is watch it rise. A few days of waiting anyway.
  6. Does it rise? Well done, you are great!
  7. and if it does not rise, here are the reasons:

Blooper (NDLA)

5bis. "After you fill the seedling pot with potting soil, you fill the pot with seedling potting soil..." Well, I'm not putting that one...

"The terrine of lupine", is it a stupid pun? especially since I'm not talking about lupine seeds. Too bad, I leave…

…”forgetting to get fat, like teenagers…” Oh I leave! Teenagers are not my target…

Sowing in terrine or Lupine terrine

seed tray