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Sowing small seeds

Oh how good it is to put the seed in the ground. Especially when she gives birth to a new plant. But what a disappointment when nothing rises. The primary cause of poor emergence is poor sowing, often too buried seed. Not easy when these small circles (not always by the way) merge with grains of sand. So, how to succeed in a sowing of small seeds ?

My technique.

The tip of the serfouette, tongue side – well yes, a serfouette has a tip side like a hoe and a tongue side like a small pickaxe, or a fork side like a small…two-pronged fork. But this is a breadcrumb and tongue!) so I was saying, the tip of the sponge makes furrows that are too deep, unless you have an exemplary reach and extremely fine soil, which is not my case.

Furrow, sowing, filling

After raking the ground, (the seedbed) I put the rake on the ground, lying down, and put my foot on the handle , delicately. The handle of the rake makes a small channel, which has two interests:the first, the furrow is straight which facilitates the work thereafter. Second advantage, the soil is slightly packed at the bottom furrow, which can prevent air pockets around the seed. After laying the seeds, I cover them with a fine potting soil, the seed will be well wrapped. And the soil being black, there is an increase in heat, which promotes germination. Also I see where the furrow is…

Do not forget the filling sowing; once the seed is covered with potting soil, I lightly tamp with the tines of the rake. I then follow with a watering with a fine apple and hop! we wait… a few days for the radish, a few weeks for the parsley.

All in pictures.

Sowing small seeds

the rake handle on the ground and light foot pressure

Sowing small seeds

Furrow marked with rake handle

Sowing small seeds

seed filling